Become a Better Software Developer faster with a micro-learning content made for Continuous Improvement

Special gift included! Subcribe to access my 1-Hour Webinar about Test-Driven Development, a webinar created to equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to succeed in entering TDD successfully and master it.

Easy to read, interactive, and effective: made for learning

Readable in less than 5 minutes, so you can enjoy it easily, anytime, anywhere
Each issue explore one micro-topic, and only one, to ensure the cognitive load is small and favor focus
Learn, for real
Boost your learning with an interactive format made of quizzes, flashcards, summaries, and more.

This is what you get for free

Sample newsletter

Weekly & Byte-sized.

A new issue every week, on Tuesday morning (CEST time) - readable in less than 5 minutes. That's it: no spam, no trash.

Created to make you learn.

Issues are not just simple text! It's effective micro-learning content: the format will maximize your learning through interactivity, spaces repetitions, summaries, and more learning techniques.

With Agile Bits, you ensure yourself a concrete continuous improvement step, every week.

Special Gift: 1-Hour TDD Webinar

If the newsletter wasn't enough (and it is, trust me!), there is an additional special gift for all new subscribers!

You get access to an immersive one-hour webinar where I drive you into the world of Test-Driven Development (TDD). In this session, we uncover the core principles, objectives, and step-by-step process of TDD, a practice that empowers developers to enhance their software development skills and deliver high-quality code with confidence.

Throughout the webinar, I alternate slides and live coding through Katas to illustrate both best practices and common pitfalls people face when they start learning TDD. This webinar is tailored to meet developers who want to learn TDD, or already tried and failed, or are already in the process but still not fluent: the webinar provide you with the knowledge and techniques needed to succeed.

Sample Webinar Screenshot

Become a Better Software Developer faster with a micro-learning content made for Continuous Improvement

Special gift included! Subcribe to access my 1-Hour Webinar about Test-Driven Development, a webinar created to equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to succeed in entering TDD successfully and master it.